Brickworks > API documentation > bw_math



A collection of mathematical routines that strive to be better suited to DSP than, e.g., those supplied by your C standard library.

Such a goal is hopefully accomplished by:

In practice they should guarantee fast and consistent performance, but always do your own benchmarking.

All functions in this module are reentrant, RT-safe, thread-safe, and have no side effects.


Module type: utility

Version: 1.0.1




static inline int32_t bw_signfilli32(
	int32_t x);

Returns ~0 if x is negative, 0 otherwise.


static inline int32_t bw_mini32(
	int32_t a,
	int32_t b);

Returns the minimum of a and b.


static inline int32_t bw_maxi32(
	int32_t a,
	int32_t b);

Returns the maximum of a and b.


static inline int32_t bw_clipi32(
	int32_t x,
	int32_t m,
	int32_t M);

Returns x unless it is smaller than m, in which case it returns m, or bigger than M, in which case it returns M.


static inline uint32_t bw_minu32(
	uint32_t a,
	uint32_t b);

Returns the minimum of a and b.


static inline uint32_t bw_maxu32(
	uint32_t a,
	uint32_t b);

Returns the maximum of a and b.


static inline uint32_t bw_clipu32(
	uint32_t x,
	uint32_t m,
	uint32_t M);

Returns x unless it is smaller than m, in which case it returns m, or bigger than M, in which case it returns M.


static inline float bw_copysignf(
	float x,
	float y);

Returns a value that has the absolute value of x and the sign of y.


static inline float bw_signf(
	float x);

Returns 1.f if x > 0.f, -1.f if x < 0.f and 0.f if x == 0.f.


static inline float bw_absf(
	float x);

Returns the absolute value of x.


static inline float bw_min0f(
	float x);

Returns the minimum of 0.f and x.


static inline float bw_max0f(
	float x);

Returns the maximum of 0.f and x.


static inline float bw_minf(
	float a,
	float b);

Returns the minimum of a and b.


static inline float bw_maxf(
	float a,
	float b);

Returns the maximum of a and b.


static inline float bw_clipf(
	float x,
	float m,
	float M);

Returns x unless it is smaller than m, in which case it returns m, or bigger than M, in which case it returns M.

M must be greater than or equal to m.


static inline float bw_truncf(
	float x);

Returns x with its fractional part set to zero (i.e., rounded towards zero).

x must be finite.


static inline float bw_roundf(
	float x);

Returns x rounded to the nearest integer.

Halfway cases are rounded away from zero. E.g., bw_roundf(0.5f) gives 1.f and bw_roundf(-0.5f) gives -1.f.

x must be finite.


static inline float bw_floorf(
	float x);

Returns the biggest integer less or equal than x (i.e., x is rounded down).

x must be finite.


static inline float bw_ceilf(
	float x);

Returns the smallest integer greater or equal than x (i.e., x is rounded up).

x must be finite.


static inline void bw_intfracf(
	float               x,
	float * BW_RESTRICT i,
	float * BW_RESTRICT f);

Puts the integer part (floor) of x in i and the fractional part in f.

x must be finite.


static inline float bw_rcpf(
	float x);

Returns the reciprocal of x (i.e., 1.f / x).

|x| must be in [8.077935669463161e-28f, 1.237940039285380e+27].

Relative error < 0.0013%.


static inline float bw_sin2pif(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the sine of 2 * pi * x, where x is given in radians.

x must be finite.

Absolute error < 0.011 or relative error < 1.7%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_sinf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the sine of x, where x is given in radians.

x must be finite.

Absolute error < 0.011 or relative error < 1.7%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_cos2pif(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the cosine of 2 * pi * x, where x is given in radians.

x must be finite.

Absolute error < 0.011 or relative error < 1.7%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_cosf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the cosine of x, where x is given in radians.

x must be finite.

Absolute error < 0.011 or relative error < 1.7%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_tan2pif(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the tangent of 2 * pi * x, where x is given in radians.

x must be finite and in [-1/4 + 5e-4f / pi, 1/4 - 5e-4f / pi] + k / 2, where k is any integer number.

Absolute error < 0.06 or relative error < 0.8%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_tanf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the tangent of x, where x is given in radians.

x must be finite and in [-pi/2 + 1e-3f, pi/2 - 1e-3f] + k * pi, where k is any integer number.

Absolute error < 0.06 or relative error < 0.8%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_log2f(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the base-2 logarithm of x.

x must be finite and greater than or equal to 1.175494350822287e-38f.

Absolute error < 0.0055 or relative error < 1.2%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_logf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the natural logarithm of x.

x must be finite and greater than or equal to 1.175494350822287e-38f.

Absolute error < 0.0038 or relative error < 1.2%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_log10f(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the base-10 logarithm of x.

x must be finite and greater than or equal to 1.175494350822287e-38f.

Absolute error < 0.0017 or relative error < 1.2%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_pow2f(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of 2 raised to the power of x. For x < -126.f it just returns 0.f.

x must be less than or equal to 127.999f.

Relative error < 0.062%.


static inline float bw_expf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of e (Euler's number) raised to the power of x. For x < -87.3365447505531f it just returns 0.

x must be less than or equal to 88.722f.

Relative error < 0.062%.


static inline float bw_pow10f(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of 10 raised to the power of x. For x < -37.92977945366162f it just returns 0.

x must be less than or equal to 38.531f.

Relative error < 0.062%.


static inline float bw_dB2linf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of 10 raised to the power of x / 20 (dB to linear ratio conversion). For x < -758.5955890732315f it just returns 0.f.

x must be less than or equal to 770.630f.

Relative error < 0.062%.


static inline float bw_lin2dBf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of 20 times the base-10 logarithm of x (linear ratio to dB conversion).

x must be finite and greater than or equal to 1.175494350822287e-38f.

Absolute error < 0.032 or relative error < 1.2%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_sqrtf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the square root of x.

x must be finite and non-negative.

Absolute error < 1.09e-19 or relative error < 0.0007%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_tanhf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the hyperbolic tangent of x.

Absolute error < 0.035 or relative error < 6.5%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_sinhf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the hyperbolic sine of x.

|x| must less than or equal to 88.722f.

Absolute error < 1e-7 or relative error < 0.07%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_coshf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the hyperbolic cosine of x.

|x| must less than or equal to 88.722f.

Relative error < 0.07%.


static inline float bw_asinhf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the hyperbolic arcsine of x.

|x| must less than or equal to 8.507059173023462e+37f.

Absolute error < 0.004 or relative error < 1.2%, whatever is worse.


static inline float bw_acoshf(
	float x);

Returns an approximation of the hyperbolic arccosine of x.

x must be in [1.f, 8.507059173023462e+37f].

Absolute error < 0.004 or relative error < 0.8%, whatever is worse.
